How to get your Skin Party Ready this Festive Season

December 10, 2018

The festive season is officially upon us! Find the glitter, buy the sparkle and dance your way through one of the most wonderful times of the year.

Christmas and the festive season is all about glamming up and looking your best for all the Christmassy events you have coming up. Whilst the thought of mince pies, mulled wine, glamorous make-up, champagne and warm, cosy centrally heated rooms with accompanying roaring fires fills you with happiness and excitement, you can pretty much guarantee that it fills your skin with dread.

Whilst the party season is a fabulous one, it does unfortunately tend to take its toll your skin. Extremes of the cold weather outside and the artificially warm inside is enough to make your skin go into panic mode and mixing it with alcohol, heavy make-up, late nights and eating a little too much sugar can cause some real issues.

However, it’s not all doom and gloom - not at all in fact! You’ve caught it all in good time as I'm about to give you a bit of friendly advice on how to get your skin party ready this festive season…

Start with the major skin concerns

One of the best ways to approach skin care this season is through preventative measures. You’ll already be aware of what your biggest skin concerns are and we have enough time before party season is full swing, giving you some wiggle room for having procedures to help knock some of your problematic areas on the head.

If wrinkles are what you’re worried about, we recommend opting for botox treatment which will reduce fine lines and wrinkles that can tend to look worse with tiredness and dehydration. Botox treatment from Skin Radiance will help to make you look younger over a sustained period, with virtually no risk and at a cost most people can afford. This will help your skin to look invigorated throughout the festive season and beyond!

Particularly during the winter, it’s easier to see uneven skin tone, texture, acne and pigmentation. To make skin look more youthful, regenerate the cells and create a glowing appearance to your skin, we offer glycolic skin peels. My skin peels come in at friendly cost and have very minimal side effects - perfect if you’re running a little late on your skin preparations! This treatment is non-invasive, quick and painless and can help fine lines, uneven skin tone, texture, pigmentation, acne and damaged skin.

Utilise at home remedies

Now is the best time to start getting into a healthy regime that will help carry you through the rather indulgent month of December. This means exercise, healthy diet, make sure you’re sleeping enough and try to limit the amount of alcohol you’re having. Most importantly for your skin, make sure you establish a good winter skin care regime - especially if you’re anticipating certain problems once the events start happening!

When you’ve addressed any major skin concerns, you can then make sure to nurture your skin up until the days of the events. There are lots of home remedies you can try to help party proof your skin and they will all have different levels of success depending on your skin type and what you’re trying to achieve:

Face masks

These are easy, quick and can be pretty cheap! I recommend hydrating sheet masks which are a great pick-me-up for tired, dull skin and will help to give you a more youthful glow - they will also help fight the inevitable dehydration brought on by our favourite bubbly beverage!

Drink water

You won’t be getting offered any at your parties so make sure you give your skin some TLC in the lead up to the season by drinking lots of water! Not only does water naturally hydrate your skin, it will help your kidneys to get rid of waste and toxins; good for the complexion and the organs!


Although of course you won’t get the same results as one of my skin peels, you can certainly help your skin to shine a little brighter this party season by exfoliating. By removing dead cells, you will hopefully get some of your natural glow back and help ward off acne.

Treat your acne

Whilst some of you will be lucky enough to not have to deal with dreaded spots acne on a daily basis, this time of year is renowned for conjuring up little nasties we’d rather didn’t appear ever, especially on a party night! My top tip for treating acne is don’t pick and don’t squeeze! By far the best way is to treat acne is with a skin peel; however, if it’s more a last minute acne treatment you need, make sure you relax, keep make-up off until the last minute and use sudocrem to calm the redness and inflammation. Do not try and pop it! Just keep it calm and cover it up with a good concealer.

I hope this has been a useful guide on how to get your skin party ready and if you would like to enquire about any of the above treatments, please get in contact, I’d love to hear from you!

Claire Connelly

I am a Registered Nurse and Independent Prescriber, and the founder of Skin Radiance. I undertake all treatments at Skin Radiance, and look forward to meeting you.